About Institute
Expert activity
The Expert Section of the Institute brings together experts in the field of sport and economics, all experts are registered in the Register of Experts led by the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic. The purpose of the activity is to provide expert opinions and expert opinions in case of ski accidents, valuation of ski (and other sports) needs and equipment, valuation of enterprises (eg ski schools) for sale, pledge or conversion (mergers, sites using a specific methodology.
Science and Research / Research Institute
In this section, the Institute realizes research in the area of ski law, consisting mainly in analyzes of foreign legislation and jurisprudence, where it cooperates with foreign universities, experts, lawyers, prosecutors, judges, legislators and other stakeholders. Based on the results of the research, it prepares documentation for relevant entities in the Czech Republic, especially legislative bodies. The results are also presented by representatives of the Institute at local and international congresses, conferences and other professional events.
Dispute resolution
In addition to providing representation in civil courts, the institute offers, in particular, a more suitable alternative to dispute resolution (Alternative Dispute Resolution) – arbitration and mediation. At the same time, it is possible to use advice on how to properly implement arbitration or conciliation clauses in contracts and in the statutes of associations.
Tax advice and accounting
A member of the institute is also a tax advisor who is able to provide all related services, including in particular bookkeeping for all types of entities, tax advice, audit.
Advisory and consulting activities
Advice and consultations are prepared for ski organizations both at the beginning of the activity and during it, by experienced managers and lawyers from the field.

PaedDr. Tomáš Gnad
- Expert witness
- sports field
- operation – skiing, snowboarding
- sports field
- Certified ski instuctor
- Snowboarding trainer
- Cross-country coatch

Member of the Board of Directors
- Lawyer and certified mediator in civil, commercial, consumer matters.
- Head of the ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) Section at the Czech Bar Association; lecturer of the Czech Bar Association for European Law and Mediation. Founder of legal mediation in the Czech Republic.
- Member of the working group of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic for the preparation of the Mediation Act, head of the author’s team and co-author of the commentary on the Mediation Act (Beck publishing house).
- Chairwoman of the examination commission for state examinations in mediation – Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic.
- Member of the Working Group for Mediation at the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic.
Conciliation in consumer disputes between a lawyer and a consumer; Chairwoman of the Group for Mediation in Consumer Disputes at the Czech Bar Association. - National Representative of the Czech Bar Association at the UIA (Union Internationale des Avocats); active member of the UIA Mediation Commission.
- She lectures occasionally at the Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague and at the CEVRO Institute in Prague (LLM program Mediation and Arbitration).

Member of the Board of Directors
- He is one of the most respected lawyers and arbitrators in the Czech Republic.
- He decides Czech and international disputes according to the Czech Arbitration Rules, the ICC and Uncitral Rules and the Arbitration Centers in Zurich, Vienna and CAS.
- Member of the International Court of Arbitration ICC Paris
- Mediator and arbitrator in so-called ADR proceedings on domains
- Arbitrator of the Arbitration Court at the Czech Chamber of Commerce
and the Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic - Assistant Professor, Department of Commercial Law, Faculty of Law
Charles University in Prague - Arbitrator of the International Court of Arbitration for Sport CAS
in Lausanne - Arbitrator of the Arbitration Court at the Moscow Economic
and industrial chambers - Arbitrator of the Arbitration Court at the Czech-Moravian Commodity Court
stock exchange Kladno - Member of the International Bar Association
- Member of the Czech Society for International Law
more info (http://www.vithoracek.com/ a http://www.legalite.cz/)

Mgr. Ladislav J. JANKŮ, Ph.D., LL.M.
Chairman of the Board
- Expert witness
- sports field
- operation – specialization skiing safety
- sports field
- Ski teacher and coach – Association of Skiers of the Czech Republic
- Chairman of the Professional Sports Section Basic Skiing SLČR

Doc. Ing. Pavel LEGÁT, CSc.
Auditor / Chairman of the Expert Board
- Expert witness
- field of economics
- prices and estimates – valuation of companies, assets and liabilities of companies and evaluation of projects of companies
- field of economics
- Senior researcher at CEITEC BUT Brno

Member of the institute
- Expert witness
- sports field
- operation – safety of the function of sports equipment
- sports facilities – assessment of repairability and adjustment in terms of safety of function
- field of economics
- prices and estimates – physical education and sports equipment
- sports field
- Certified Ski Teacher
- Certified Trainer of Alpine Disciplines

PaedDr. Jaroslav BOGDÁLEK
The first director of the Institute – died suddenly on 24/02/2023. Honor his memory.
- Expert witness
- field of economics
- prices and estimates – sports equipment, sports equipment
- sports field
- sports facilities – assessment of repairability and adjustment in terms of safety of function
- operation – assessment of sports activities performed in terms of operational safety
- field of economics
- Coach of the student representation of the Association of Skiers of the Czech Republic
- Head coach of Ski Club Victoria Brno

Tax advisor, auditor, accounting office

Patent attorney authorized for trademarks and industrial designs

Mgr. David BORSKÝ
PHONE: | +420 603 429 690 |
E-MAIL: | info@iuski.cz |
ADDRESS: | Příkop 838/6 602 00 Brno Česká republika |
IČ (Identification number): |
076 15 990 Registration in the public register |
DATA BOX: | avcrhhe |
BANK ACCOUNT: | Bank account: 2101548074/2010 IBAN CZ1020100000002101548074 |

bodies of INSTITUTE
PaedDr. Tomáš Gnad gnad@iuski.cz
Board of Directors
Mgr. Ladislav J. Janků, Ph.D., LL.M. – chairman janku@iuski.cz
JUDr. Martina Doležalová, Ph.D. – member dolezalova@iuski.cz
JUDr. Vít Horáček, Ph.D. – member horacek@iuski.cz